Our website season has come to an end. We’ve been in business for 47 years and online for close to 43 years. The information, research, training, and consultation for mentoring, coaching, and peer assistance available on our website with its thousands of resources has been archived.*
You’ve reached this page because you likely selected a link that was previously active. All our documents are now stored in an archive except the few most popular and continuously updated as indicated below.
All past and current issues of our premier publication, The Peer Bulletin Magazine, are available through a paid subscription. Access the subscription page here.
Documents not listed below are still available upon request.
* Our Co-Founder, Rey Carr, explains why we have ended our web presence
More than 40 years ago, when we switched to become an online resource, we were virtually alone as a provider of information, service and resources in the coaching, mentoring and peer assistance fields. Since that time literally thousands of other organizations have copied, duplicated, or initiated similar services and products. We’re delighted with the role we played as an uncredited catalyst, and we are assured that there are now many quality resources achieving the highest standards in coaching, mentoring, and peer support. We never saw the rise of others as competitors, and instead extended a supportive and cooperative hand to all who came after us. The quality and extent of mentoring, coaching and peer support online led us to conclude that we no longer needed to continue our unique business model of commercial- and advertising-free resources, research, support, and services. As a non-profit corporation, we found we could no longer sustain the expense of continuing to develop and maintain our extensive web presence. We are grateful to the 56+ million web visitors who have accessed our site; we are grateful to all those who became members of our Peer Resources Network over the years; and we are grateful to all those who purchased our training workshops, publications, and consultation services. It’s been an exceptionally rewarding endeavour with no regrets. (Thanks to the WayBackMachine, you can access our entire archive of public materials as they existed in 2017 here.)
Active Links:
The Peer Bulletin Magazine subscription page.
Our list of all Fee-Based Peer Coaching & Mentoring Groups: How Do They Work?
Our list of all Mentoring Software Providers
Our Mentor Hall of Fame Mentoring Pairs Database
The Peer Resources’ Find a Mentor Curated Database
The True Story About Whether Coach Accreditation/Certification is a Scam or an Asset
Our Independent Guide to Credentials in Coaching
What Makes Mentoring Different from Other Business Roles? (Access PDF)
Measuring Change in Training: Thinking Out of the Box (Access PDF)
The Real Differences Between a Coach, a Mentor and a Therapist (Access PDF)
The Top Six Periodicals Associated with Coaching, Mentoring, or Peer Assistance.
Access our entire website as it existed in 2107 thanks to the WayBack Machine here.
We continue to maintain an active presence on social media. Follow Peer Resources on Facebook or Twitter. To read new work and back issues of the Peer Bulletin Magazine, follow Rey Carr on LinkedIn, Medium, or SpiritMentor.
Peer Resources
Victoria, British Columbia